Carbon Pricing in the Americas Celebrates its Annual General Assembly
On the 24th of October 2024, the Carbon Pricing in the Americas (CPA) platform held its Annual General Assembly, hosted by the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and supported by GIZ Mexico and WCI, Inc.
As in previous meetings, the General Assembly enabled rich conversations, in which members and partners of the platform shared updates on carbon pricing work in their jurisdictions and organizations. Members discussed the progress made and upcoming milestones around the design and implementation of their carbon pricing instruments, and partners highlighted projects and events that they have implemented or are planning to undertake.
The General Assembly also marked the transition of the North America co-chair. The government of Québec concluded four years of successful leadership of the platform, giving way to California as the newly elected North American co-chair of the CPA. California is represented by Mark Sippola, who is the Chief of the Cap-and-Trade Program at the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and joins Panama in this leadership role.
Moreover, during the General Assembly, the co-chairs announced a new, permanent secretariat for the CPA to be implemented by adelphi global gemeinnützige GmbH, building upon the work done by the staff of the governments of Québec and Panama. Resources for this permanent secretariat have been generously provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada, for the next three years
The General Assembly was preceded by the Regional Meeting on Carbon Pricing Instruments in the Americas, which was co-organized by SEMARNAT and GIZ Mexico. This regional dialogue provided an additional space to discuss the importance of collaborating and developing synergies to strengthen carbon pricing in the region.
The CPA would like to express its appreciation to SEMARNAT, GIZ Mexico, and WCI, Inc., and to all members and partners for their support and engagement.