Workshop de capacitação do Ministério do Meio Ambiente do Panamá (MiAMBIENTE)

Panama’s Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE) recently held a capacity-building workshop as part of the “Reduce Tu Huella Corporativo – Carbono“, a national voluntary corporate carbon reduction program.
Panama’s Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE) recently organized a capacity-building workshop as part of the “Reduce Tu Huella Corporativo – Carbono” program. This program, which is a pioneering initiative in Panama, aims to encourage public, private and civil society organizations to reduce their carbon and water footprints. To this end, it establishes a standardized procedure for identifying, calculating, reporting and verifying carbon and water footprints, as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the operational boundaries of participating organizations. In addition, it offers a recognition mechanism for organizations that voluntarily commit to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The main aim of the workshop, which brought together representatives from various sectors, was to present the updated procedures manual for obtaining the “Top 50 Carbon-Neutral Organizations” ” declaration label. This declaration, established by Resolution No. DM-0358-2020, rewards the early action of 50 Panama-based organizations aligned with the national goal of carbon neutrality and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement. The “Top 50” declaration handbook describes the general requirements, guidelines, principles and commitments made as part of the declaration. It also serves as a guide for the development of the 2050 Carbon Neutral Action Plan and its updates. In this way, organizations adhering to the program can not only enhance their reputation, but also increase their operational efficiency and identify opportunities for savings.
“Inicio – Portal Reduce Tu Huella.” Ministerio de Ambiente. 2023.
“Ministerio de Ambiente realiza Taller de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades para alcanzar la neutralidad de carbono al 2050.” Ministerio de Ambiente. 2023.