About CPA

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Who We Are

CPA is a Pan-American carbon-pricing collaborative and networking forum. We are a gathering of national and subnational governments and are supported by specialized institutions and not-for-profit organizations.
CPA arose out of the “Paris declaration on Carbon Pricing in the Americas” that was endorsed in December 2017 by governments of Alberta, British Columbia, California, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Québec, and Washington.
CPA was launched in April 2018 at the initiative of the Governments of Canada and Mexico, who then assumed its co-chairmanship. In 2021, during COP 26 in Glasgow, most of the original CPA members as well as new governments replaced the Paris Declaration by an updated version: the “Glasgow Declaration on Carbon Pricing in the Americas”.
In endorsing the Glasgow Declaration members commit to the following:
  • Persuing the implementation of the CPA by:
      • Strengthening regional and international cooperation in an effort to share information, expertise, lessons learned and experiences;
      • Identifying opportunities to increase the alignment and linking of carbon pricing instruments and carbon markets;
  • Pursuing the implementation of the CPA by:
    • Strengthening regional and international cooperation in an effort to share information, expertise, lessons learned and experiences;
    • Identifying opportunities to increase the alignment and linking of carbon pricing instruments and carbon markets;
  • Encouraging synergies and coordination among the existing carbon pricing initiatives and forums that are active in the Americas.
CPA operations and activities are guided by the Glasgow Declaration

Our Members

Our Partners

Our Co-Chairs

CPA is guided by our elected co-chairs. Co-chairs serve a 2-year staggered term.

Mark Sippola

North America Co-Chair

Mark Sippola​

North America Co-Chair

Mark Sippola is the Chief of the Cap-and-Trade Program at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) responsible for leading teams that cover auctions, allowance allocation, market monitoring and oversight, the compliance offset program, registry development and maintenance, and program linkage. His duties include collaboration with other governments exploring cost-effective carbon pricing mechanisms. He joined the California Cap-and-Trade Program in 2013 and has over a decade of experience working on its design and implementation, including close involvement in the formal public processes to amend the Cap-and-Trade Program in 2016 and 2018. Prior to working at CARB, he conducted research on airflow and pollutant exposure at two U.S. Department of Energy national labs. Mark has a doctoral degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from The Ohio State University, and he is a licensed chemical engineer.

Javier Martínez

Central/South America Co-Chair

Javier Martínez

Central/South America Co-Chair

Javier Martinez heads the Mitigation Department of the Ministry of the Environment of Panama. He is an environmental engineer from the Universidad Tecnológica de Panama. Currently, he is leading a team of excellent professionals in charge of the GHG inventories at different levels (national, subnational, and corporate), the carbon market, and decarbonization policies. Secretary of the interinstitutional committee on distributed generation. Former national GHG inventory coordinator and decarbonization agenda coordinator. Before joining the Ministry, in 2021, he worked with the REDD+ project in Panama. He believes that carbon markets have an essential role in fighting climate change.

Our Workplan

Carbon Pricing in the Americas aims at offering a convivial space where governments of the Americas can gather with their peers and partners to learn and exchange views and ideas on mutual areas of interest. It also aims at fostering interactions between members and partners in the hopes of increasing collaboration and synergies in and out of the CPA.
Members and partners of the CPA generally meet every quarter, including during the annual General Assembly, either remotely or preferably, if circumstances allow, in person.
In each meeting, members and partners explore a technical and a practical approach to a topic suggested by members and co-chairs. In some instances, they are called upon to attend a deep-dive discussion to exchange on a specific issue in more detail.
CPA may also offer training courses in areas of interest to members, opportunities for internships, and so on.
Click here for our 2024 Action Plan.
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